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Office Brewing Services Lathop Vending
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Office   Brewing    Systems

Coffee brewed fresh for you and just the way you like it too!

Save time and money by using Lathrop Vending Services

Why stop for a “Cost – A – Latte” when you can have great coffee at a fraction of the price?


Equipment rental is FREE with minimum coffee purchase.


Plus we offer automatic and pour over models.


Call about our high volume coin – oped machines!

Office Coffee Services – Single Serve K-Cups, Pods and Liquid Coffee

We have a few different types of coffee services. At LVI we have automatic, pour over models, single serve coffee, tea and hot cocoa too. We also carry a large variety of flavors to brew just the way you like it. What? You need cups, condiments, creamer and sugar? Don’t worry we have everything you need to get you brewing! Equipment rental is FREE with minimum coffee purchase!

K-Cup Single Serve offers an easy way to brew at the office for clients and associates. This is a cleaner way to brew, less mess and takes away worrying about messy coffee grounds. K-Cup gives consistent taste, flavor and freshness with every sip.

Pod Single Serve! Single coffee pods tastes great while making a difference to the help the environment. So after you’ve enjoyed your cup of coffee, the ring, label, filter and brewed coffee grounds will all revert to soil when composted, instead of piling up in landfills. You can also get pods that will make tea, spicy chai and hot chocolate (though not all machines will offer all of these options). Some even come with milk ingredients so that you can use your coffee maker to foam up some milk for an instant cappuccino or latte.

Liquid Coffee Services! A liquid coffee machine is perfect for both noncommercial and commercial accounts that need high-volume coffee production quickly. By using liquid coffee you gain several important advantages. You lower your costs, eliminates waste, longer shelf life, no coffee grounds, no coffee filters, mistake-proof brewing, high volume out-put, easy to clean, coffee brewed on demand, minimal training needed and you have a consistent high- quality flavor and taste too!

Now how do you choose? Look through our pages or call us so we can find out what your needs are for your office and/or business. We can give you cost effective solutions that will work best for you. Thank you for choosing Lathrop Vending Co., Inc. We value your business and support.



Tea ........................................................... 100 ct Box

Decaf Tea .................................................. 72 ct Box

Sugar Packets ................................... 2000 ct Case

Cream Canisters ................................... 24 ct Case

Sugar Canisters ..................................... 24 ct Case

Sweet & Low ........................................ 2000 ct Box

Splenda ................................................. 2000 ct Box

Equal ........................................................ 100 ct Box

Equal ..................................................... 2000 ct Box

Mini Moos ............................................ 360 ct Case

Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa ............................ 50 ct Box

Swiss Miss Sugar Free Hot Cocoa ...... 24 ct Case

5” Stirrers .............................................. 1000 ct Box


Salt Packets .............................. 3 / 1000 ct Case

Pepper Packets ......................... 3 / 1000 ct Case

Mustard Packets ............................ 500 ct Case

Ketchup Packets ............................. 500 ct Case

Mayonnaise Packets ...................... 200 ct Case

Relish Packets .................................. 200 ct Case

Plastic Forks ................................... 1000 ct Case

Plastic Spoons ................................ 1000 ct Case

Plastic Knives ................................. 1000 ct Case

Napkins ..................................... 32 / 250 ct Case

10” Straws ................................... 12 / 500 ct Case

New England Branded


Regular Decanter

Decafe Decanter

Sip Through 10oz. Dome Lid

8 oz. Styro-Foam Cups

10oz. Paper Cups

12oz. Paper Cups


13 x 5 Gemini Filters

Interested    in   our   Brewing   Systems   and    Services?


Having coffee in our stores saves money, time and energy. It has also made our customers happy to get a cup of coffee while we help them.

Dave Munkelt - Wireless Zone

Lathrop Vending, Inc.

152 Norwich-New London Turnpike
Uncasville, CT 06382-2512


© 2028 by Lathrop Vending. All rights reserved.

Office Hours   Mon-Fri from 7am-4pm

Office 860-367-9115    Fax: (860) 367-9195



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